

发布者:  时间:  浏览:2021-06-09 08:52:13




2010/09-2014/06唐山师范学院 生物科学 学士

2014/09-2017/09吉林农业大学 植物病理学专业 硕士学位

2017/09-2020/07吉林农业大学 植物病理学专业 博士学位


2021/4-至今yL23411永利官网登录 实验师






[1] Jingxin Ji, Yunye Xie, Qi Wang, Yu Li, Makoto Kakishima. Life cycle ofMelampsora larici-populinaonPopulus×canadensisin Jilin, China and its morphological clarification of spermogonial and aecial stages [J]. Austrian Journal of Mycology, 2015, 24: 117-127.中国吉林省加杨树上落叶松杨栅锈菌的生活史及其性子器与锈子器阶段的形态学特征

[2] Yunye Xie, Jingxin Ji, Zhuang Li, Qi Wang, Yu Li, Makoto Kakishima. Identification of a rust fungus onPopulus albacollected in Jilin, China and its spermogonial and aecial stages [J]. Acta Phytopathologica Sinica, 2016, 46: 280-284.吉林省白杨锈菌鉴定

[3] Makoto Kakishima,Jingxin Ji, Qi Wang, Yu Li. First report of rust disease caused byMilesina dryopteridison leather leaf fern in Japan [J]. Plant Disease, 2016, 100: 2529.(SCI) IF=3.173日本Milesina dryopteridis在叶蕨上引起锈病的首次报道(1区)

[4] Jingxin Ji, Qi Wang, Zhuang Li, Yu Li, Makoto Kakishima. New rust disease caused byPuccinia iridison leopard flower in China [J]. Plant Disease, 2017, 101: 383.(SCI) IF=2.941中国豹子花上由鸢尾柄锈菌引起锈菌的首次报道(1区)

[5] Jingxin Ji, Qi Wang, Zhuang Li, Yu Li, Makoto Kakishima. Notes on rust fungi in China 1. Autoecious life cycle ofPuccinia tatarinoviionPrenanthes[J]. Mycotaxon, 2016, 131: 653-661. (SCI) IF=0.538福王草属植物上盘果菊柄锈菌的单主寄生生活史(4区)

[6] Jingxin Ji, Qi Wang, Zhuang Li, Yu Li, Makoto Kakishima. Notes on rust fungi in China 2. Two species ofColeosporiumonCompositae[J]. Mycotaxon, 2016, 131: 811-820.(SCI) IF=0.538菊科植物上的两种鞘锈菌(4区)

[7] Makoto Kakishima,Jingxin Ji, Peng Zhao, Qi Wang, Yu Li, Eric H. C. McKenzie. Geographic expansion of a rust fungus onPlumeriain Pacific and Asian countries [J]. New Zealand Journal of Botany, 2017, 55: 178-186.(SCI) IF=0.963太平洋和亚洲国家的鸡蛋花植物上的锈菌的地理分布(4区)

[8] Makoto Kakishima,Jingxin Ji, Hideyuki Nagao, Qi Wang, Cvetomir M. Denchev.Clinoconidium globosum, nom. nov. (Cryptobasidiaceae) producing galls on fruits ofCinnamomum daphnoidesin Japan [J]. Phytotaxa, 2017, 299: 267-272.(SCI) IF=1.185Clinoconidium globosum(Cryptobasidiaceae)在日本的肉桂果实上产瘿(4区)

[9] Jingxin Ji, Qi Wang, Zhuang Li, Yu Li, Makoto Kakishima. Notes on rust fungi in China 3.Puccinia adenocauli,comb. nov. and its life cycle and new host [J]. Mycotaxon, 2017, 132: 141-148. (SCI) IF=0.815腺梗菜柄锈菌的生活史及其新寄主植物(4区)

[10] Jingxin Ji, Zhuang Li, Qi Wang, Yu Li, Makoto Kakishima. Life cycle ofAecidium klugkistianumonLigustrumand its new combination,Puccinia klugkistiana[J]. Mycoscience, 2017, 58: 307-311. (SCI) IF=1.229水蜡树上女贞柄锈菌的生活史及其新组合名:女贞柄锈菌(4区)

[11] Makoto Kakishima, Hideyuki Nagao,Jingxin Ji, Yue Sun, Cvetomir M. Denchev.Clinoconidium onumaecomb. nov. (Cryptobasidiaceae), producing galls on shoot buds ofCinnamonum tenuifoliumin Japan [J]. Phytotaxa, 2017, 313: 175-184.(SCI) IF=1.185Clinoconidium onumae(Cryptobasidiaceae),在日本的肉桂短芽上产生瘿(4区)

[12] Makoto Kakishima,Jingxin Ji, Taiga Kasuya.Puccinia neovelutinanom. nov., are placed name forAecidium elaeagniand its new aecial host from Japan [J]. Phytotaxa, 2018, 336: 197-200. (SCI) IF=1.168Aecidium elaeagni的新组合名:Puccinia neovelutina及其新寄主植物(4区)

[13] Jingxin Ji, Zhuang Li, Yu Li, Jian-Yun Zhuang, Makoto Kakishima. Notes on rust fungi in China 4. Hosts and distribution ofHyalopsora aspidiotusandH. hakodatensis[J]. Mycotaxon, 2018,133: 23-29.(SCI) IF=0.531Hyalopsora aspidiotusH. hakodatensis的寄主植物和分布范围(4区)

[14] Jingxin Ji, Zhuang Li, Yu Li, Makoto Kakishima. Notes on rust fungi in China 5. Hosts and distribution ofUromyces gageaeand its intracellular spermogonia [J]. Mycotaxon, 2018, 133: 307-313.(SCI) IF=0.531顶冰花单胞锈菌的寄主和分布范围以及性子器结构(4区)

[15] Jingxin Ji, Zhuang Li, Yu Li, Makoto Kakishima. Notes on rust fungi in China 6. Distribution ofPuccinia punctiformisand occurrence of its albino teliospores [J]. Mycotaxon, 2018, 133: 339-347.(SCI) IF=0.531斑形柄锈菌的分布及白话冬孢子的出现(4区)

[16] Jingxin Ji, Zhuang Li, Yu Li, Makoto Kakishima. Two new species ofPucciniastrumproducing dimorphic sori and spores from northeast of China [J]. Mycological Progress, 2019, 18: 529-540.(SCI) IF=2.149膨痂锈菌属中产生双态型孢子堆和孢子的两个新物种(3区)

[17] Jingxin Ji, Zhuang Li, Yu Li, Makoto Kakishima. Life cycle ofNothoravenelia japonicaand its phylogenetic position inPucciniales, with special reference to the genusPhakopsora[J]. Mycological Progress, 2019, 18: 855-864. (SCI) IF=2.149日本假伞锈菌的生活史及其分类学地位以及与其亲缘关系相近的层锈菌属(3区)

[18] Jingxin Ji, Zhuang Li, Yu Li, Makoto Kakishima.Notes on rust fungi in China 7.Aecidium caulophyllilife cycle inferred from phylogenetic evidence and renamed asPuccinia caulophyllicomb. nov [J]. Mycotaxon, 2019, 134: 719-730.(SCI) IF=0.538系统发育学方法证实红毛七锈孢锈菌的生活史及其新组合名:红毛七柄锈菌(4区)

[19] Jingxin Ji, Zhuang Li, Yu Li, Makoto Kakishima. Life cycle and taxonomy ofChrysomyxa succineain China and phylogenetic positions ofCaeomaspecies onRhododendron[J]. Forest Pathology,2020, https://doi.org/10.1111/efp.12585.(SCI) IF=1.196琥珀金锈菌的生活史及其分类学和杜鹃属植物上裸孢锈菌的系统发育学地位(3区)

[20] Jingxin Ji, Zhuang Li, Yu Li, Makoto Kakishima. Notes on rust fungi in China 8.Pucciniastrum tiliaelife cycle and new host plants inferred from phylogenetic evidence. Mycotaxon, 2020, 135: 491–500.(SCI) IF=0.538系统发育学方法证实椴膨痂锈菌的生活史及其新寄主植物(4区)

[21] Jingxin Ji, Zhuang Li, Yu Li, Makoto Kakishima. Notes on rust fungi in China 9.Puccinia miscanthilife cycle and morphology confirmed by inoculation. Mycotaxon, 2020, 135: 525–534.(SCI) IF=0.538接种试验证实忙柄锈菌的生活史及其形态学(4区)

[22] Jingxin Ji, Zhuang Li, Yu Li, Makoto Kakishima. Life cycle and taxonomy ofMelampsora abietis-populiin China and its phylogenetic position inMelampsoraonPopulus. Mycological Progress, 2020, 19:1281–1291.(SCI) IF=2.149落叶松-杨栅锈菌的系统发育学地位及生活史(3区)